Wonderful. Very timely for me. I just have been writing a piece about IHOP and my interactions with that group back in the early nineties. I'll send it to you. That group's recent implosion strongly echoes loudly in your sermon as a warning to God's people in the church. In fact it was my circle of Charismatic Churches engagement with IHOP or the Kansas City Prophets, as they were known as then, it was their interactions with them that caused me to leave my Charismatic movement and join the CRC. Again, for me a very timely word from the Lord.

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I can’t help but think with the change in our political climate towards Christian nationalism that we might be seeing somewhat of a similar culture here in America to what Micah was dealing with then. Where a lesser truth (like God is love only) that looks “like” Christianity, becomes the norm. Based on my recent studies of church history, whenever the church was persecuted it grew organically and developed. When it became culturally acceptable for Christian religion, it tended to become perverse and saw division. Until finally reform would come back along and bring some back but leaving irreparable damage in the way of false religion. A cycle repeated. One I think we are maybe about to see.

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