Jesus, An Inexhaustible Fountain
As I was working on my sermon this week, I came across a quote from John Calvin that stopped me in my tracks. It forced me to stop working on my sermon and spend time meditating on the beauty of this truth about Christ.
I also decided to share this with you so that you could spend some time meditating on these truths, especially as we prepare to celebrate Jesus' birth.
He begins now to preach about the office of Christ, that it contains within itself an abundance of all blessings, so that no part of salvation must be sought anywhere else. True, indeed, the fountain of life, righteousness, virtue, and wisdom, is with God, but to us it is a hidden and inaccessible fountain. But an abundance of those things is exhibited to us in Christ, that we may be permitted to have recourse to him; for he is ready to flow to us, provided that we open up a channel by faith. He declares in general, that out of Christ we ought not to seek any thing good, though this sentence consists of several clauses.
First, he shows that we are all utterly destitute and empty of spiritual blessings; for the abundance which exists in Christ is intended to supply our deficiency, to relieve our poverty, to satisfy our hunger and thirst.
Secondly, he warns us that, as soon as we have departed from Christ, it is in vain for us to seek a single drop of happiness, because God hath determined that whatever is good shall reside in him alone. Accordingly, we shall find angels and men to be dry, heaven to be empty, the earth to be unproductive, and, in short, all things to be of no value, if we wish to be partakers of the gifts of God in any other way than through Christ.
Thirdly, he assures us that we shall have no reason to fear the want of any thing, provided that we draw from the fulness of Christ, which is in every respect so complete, that we shall experience it to be a truly inexhaustible fountain...
Calvin, John, and William Pringle. Commentary on the Gospel according to John. Bellingham, WA: Logos Bible Software, 2010, p. 50.