Salvation Belongs to the Lord
(Note: St. Augustine is famous for writing a book called “The Confessions,” which was written completely as a prayer to God. In the same spirit, I plan to write these posts as a prayer to God.)
“Arise, O LORD! Save me, O my God! For you strike all my enemies on the cheek; you break the teeth of the wicked. Salvation belongs to the LORD; your blessing be on your people!” (Psalm 3:7–8, ESV)
Arise, O LORD! Save me, O my God!
Heavenly Father, please save me from these difficult times. I’ve looked elsewhere for salvation and found nothing. Many are looking for the government to save them. Many are looking for science to save them. Many are looking for medicine to save them. Others are looking at themselves, thinking they can save themselves. Yet, Father, you are the only one who can save. So, I look to you for my salvation. Please save me!
Father, you are MY God—MY Father. I trust you. I don’t always understand why you do what you do. I don’t always know why you allow me to remain in the pit for a while. Yet, I know this: You are MY Heavenly Father. So, I trust you. You are stronger than me. You are wiser than me. You love me more than I even love myself. So, I trust you to save me in your perfect time. Until that happens, I will continue to look to you for my salvation.
For you strike all my enemies on the cheek; you break the teeth of the wicked.
Father, thank you for defeating all my enemies. At times it seems as though I am surrounded by a pack of lions—ready to pounce on me—yet they are toothless lions. At times it seems like I have been cornered by a dragon—ready to devour me—yet the serpent’s head has been crushed. These enemies can still make noise, and tempt me to fear, but they can no longer hurt me, you’ve removed their teeth.
Father, I also thank you I can trust you for justice. Admittedly, I’ve tried to take matters into my own hands. I have tried to break the teeth of my enemies. I have tried to take my own revenge. Father, please forgive me. I’m sorry I didn’t trust you and your justice. Please help me trust in you and your justice more fully. Help me have confidence that you will right all wrongs in the end.
Salvation belongs to the LORD; your blessing be on your people!
Father, all salvation belongs to you. What a promise! Why do I repeatedly run elsewhere? Why do I think there is something else out there? Why am I so unsatisfied with your salvation? How foolish! Father, open my eyes to see that salvation belongs to you ALONE and that salvation can be found nowhere else. Help me rejoice and rest in that promise.
Father, use this truth to provide comfort for me in the midst of difficulty. Since salvation belongs to You, no one can take that salvation away from me. Nothing. No powers of heaven or hell can remove this salvation from me. My messed up past, present, and future cannot remove this salvation from me. Nothing in all creation can separate me from your love through Jesus Christ. Nothing.
What a blessing you pour out on your people!